Model of the web system of environmental and economic monitoring in conditions of urbanization


Today, the majority of the world's population lives in large and small cities. Therefore, the determining factors affecting the quality of life of people are the level of economic development of cities and the state of ecology of cities and their adjacent territories. In order to conduct research and build models of ecological and economic monitoring and forecasting of the development of cities and the state of their ecology, it is necessary to collect, process and analyze huge arrays of various data. Based on the results of such research, there is a need to build computer systems for collecting and processing large amounts of information - databases and data warehouses, the analogues of which practically do not exist today. The main task of this work is the development of an alpha version of a web service for ecological and economic monitoring based on databases. At the stage of development of the alpha version of the software product, the main economic indicators related to the development of the city and the environmental factors affecting it were worked out and grouped. The author modeled a software model for individual ecological and economic monitoring services, which are part of the future applied software product. In the future, the author plans to continue research on this topic, collecting empirical data on the cities selected for study, and to develop further software and technical modules of the presented web service.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Nazarenko


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How To Cite

V. Nazarenko (2023). Model of the web system of environmental and economic monitoring in conditions of urbanization. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 40(4), -.