Моделі оцінювання техногенних чинників під час виникнення пожеж на сховищах нафтопродуктів [Valuation models of anthropogenic factors during the appearance fires in the storage of petroleum products]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
In the event of fire in the storage of petroleum prod-ucts, which can then develop into a man-made disaster or a catastrophe, there is need for simulation of the formation of dangerous factors of anthropogenic impact on humans and the environment. Implemented by a simulation based on the analysis of the nature of the fire, and the dynamics of the damaging effects of physical fields resulting from their uncontrolled flow pathways of radioactive substances, hazardous chemical and biological agents, as well as the formation of radiation exposure on human and other populations and ecosystems. Evaluation of the impact of man-made hazards in the simulation takes into account such physical processes: for-mation, distribution and impact of shock waves and separation of fragments of the field in the explosions, heat flows from the fields of fire, as well as electromagnetic and acoustic field generated as a result of uncontrolled explosion; the formation, distribution and impact of acci-dental releases into the atmosphere, as well as discharging and dumping various radioactive, hazardous chemical and biological substances in the environment. Emergencies technogenic origin are threatening the man, the economy and the environment, that is able to pose a threat to a person as a result of a possible explosion, fire, flooding or pollution (contamination) environment. In this study only examined the processes of formation, distribution and effects on human dangerous substances that are released into the environment as a result of fires or accidents at petroleum storage facilities. Many scientists believe that the intensity and range of the spread of destructive factors in the event of fire in the storage of petroleum products depends on the type of fire. When forecasting the development of such accidents are usually considered four categories of fires that arbitrarily named: spill fires; fire with the formation of jets of fire; fire-outbreaks; fires to form a ball of fire. When predicting the formation processes, distribution and impact of accidental releases into the environment, formed as a result of the fire at the oil products storage, drains and discharge of various dangerous substances ra-dioactive, chemical and biological nature, as well as the development of appropriate design schemes assumed: simulation ejection processes, and leakage of different hazardous substances from tanks or pipelines in emergency conditions; modeling of the spread of harmful emissions from tanks or pipelines in the environment, taking into account the processes of atmospheric and hydrological dispersion, migration and food chain transfer, due to physical and mechanical processes; analysis, assessment and development of a design scheme the impact of harmful emissions on the subjects and objects of technical risk; modeling of formation of radiation exposure on the human and other populations and ecosystems. The models of assessment of anthropogenic factors in the event of fires in the storage of petroleum products, taking into account the dispersion of harmful emissions in the atmosphere and the environment with a normal Gaussian distribution. The main factors of anthropogenic impact arising from accidents and disasters in the storage of petroleum products. Clarify the features of the dispersion of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, determined the distribution of concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere under the torch of a point source, as well as the height of the initial rise of the smoke plume. The models of dispersion of harmful emissions into the environment approx Rouge, which are tools for quantitative evaluation of hazards and the impact of anthropogenic pressures on people and the environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Yurii Gryciuk, Mariana Grytsyuk
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