Модели построения канонов древнейшей службы свт. Савве Сербскому: канон «Пастыря христовых овец…»
Journal Title: Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
The author argues that the canon “The Shepherd of Christ’s sheep…” which is attested in three Cyrillic manuscript copies (13th–14th c.) of the earliest hymnographic office for St Sava the Serb (†14 January 1235 or 1236), is not an original composition, but rather a compilation of Byzantine Greek hymns used in their Old Church Slavonic translation. The hymns were mostly taken from the canon (with the identical incipit) which had been originally compiled for commemoration of St Nicolas with addition of some hymns for St Ambrose (December 7), St Patapios of Thebes (December 8), Sunday of the Holy Fathers, and St Ignatios of Antioch (December 20).
Authors and Affiliations
Towards perfect unity: himnography and some musical reinterpretations within serbian chanting practice
This paper explains the musical treatment of the hymnographic genres within the Serbian chanting practice. As it is known, the original Byzantine poetic structure written in verse — which was in perfect unity with the By...
История русской церкви. Период второй, Московский. Том II. От нашествия монголов до митрополита Макария включительно. Вторая половина тома. Глава шестая. Монашество (часть 1)
Publikacja źródłowa. W tomie 1 (2017) Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae ukazuje się drukiem część 1. niepublikowanego wcześniej rozdziału z fundamentalnego dzieła akademika Jewgienija Gołubińskiego "Historia Cerkwi Rosyjskiej" (...
Советская орфография: предыстория, программы, реализация
The article is devoted to the orthographic reform of 1917-1918 and the cultural and historical context in which it was prepared. The era between the reign of Alexander II and the revolution is characterized by a broad pu...
Упоминание о мясе и мясо-молочных продуктах в берестяных грамотах (Часть I)
The article deals with cases mentions of the meat, cheese and butter in the birch bark. Meat is most often mentioned when feudal rent in the form of dried or smoked half of pig meat (“polt”). The issue of the use of hors...
Е. Е. Голубинский о русском монашестве
Autora artykułu analizuje treść publikowanego w czasopiśmie rozdziału z dzieła Jewgienija Gołubińskiego "Historia Cerkwi Rosyjskiej" oraz przedstawia okoliczności, w których ten rozdział powstał.