Modeling of vibrations of mandrel bar in cold pilger mill
Journal Title: Комп’ютерне моделювання: аналіз, управління, оптимізація - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
The problem of parametric oscillations for the selected model of the «tube-mandrel-rod» system of the mechanism for retaining the mandrel of the cold pipe-rolling mill (HPT) is considered. A design scheme has been developed and a differential equation of motion of the representative point of the mandrel bar of the mandrel of the HPT mill has been compiled. A complex study of the dynamics of the rod of the mechanism for retaining the mandrel of the HPT mill is carried out. Parametric processes of the holding mechanism of the mandrel mill are represented by a system of differential equations, in the form of Mathieu Hill equations. The regions of dynamic stability of the retaining mechanism of the mandrel are established and a map of the parametric stability of the mechanical system is constructed. The mathematical model of dynamic processes reliably describes parametric phenomena in the mechanism and determines the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the rod system during the time of realization of the entire technological process of pellet rolling of the pipe at the HPT mill. The results of simulation of dynamic processes indicate the need to reduce the oscillations of the mandrel bar of the CPT mill to the permissible level of the system’s vibroactivity. Mathematical modeling of the process of pellet rolling of the pipe-billet allows, at the design stage of technological processes, to predict the indices of the difference in finished pipes and to assign rational operating conditions for the HPT mill. The use of modernized aligners on an elastic base, installed from the side of the mechanisms of feeding and turning of the billet pipe into the center of deformation of the HPT mill, leads to the stabilization of the dynamic processes and the improvement of the quality of the finished pipes. A significant decrease in the longitudinal and transverse differences in the pipes was achieved by ensuring the stability of the mandrel in the deformation zone. The increase in the durability of the elements of the mechanism of retention of the mandrel bar is ensured as a result of stabilization of the vibroactivity level of the system.
Authors and Affiliations
С. Р. Рахманов
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