Моделювання підходів подрібнення різнотипів руд конкретного родовища у кульових млинах замкненого циклу

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2


MODELING OF THE APPROACHES OF MILLING THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ORES SPECIFIC FIELD IN A BALL MILL CLOSED CYCLE Matsui A.N., Kondratets V.A. Abstract Taking into account that the non-optimal variant of grinding different types of ores of a particular deposit leads to a decrease in productivity, losses of the useful component and the growth of energy consumption, balls and lining, the topic of this article is relevant. The aim of this work is to simulate approaches for grinding various types of ores at a concentrating mill with certain characteristics of the field, aimed at finding an option for more optimal processing of raw materials. Achievement of the set goal implies the solution of the following tasks: analysis of the main technological characteristics of the deposit ores; modeling of approaches for grinding ores by ball mills and developing specific recommendations for their processing; justification of feasibility and possibility of providing grinding of ores in accordance with the proposed recommendations. The analysis showed that the ores in the deposit are of great variety and constitute a full range - from easily enriched to very heavily enriched. They are represented by seven types. Some types of ores have the same mean values of magnetite impregnation, the same values of the grindability factor and the average size of the magnetite impregnation, but it is proved that it is inexpedient to process them together. The greatest effect will be with the separate grinding of all seven types of ores. It is shown that such processing of ores can be carried out. In the basis of recognition of individual types of ores in the process of their extraction, it is expediently to put the specific magnetic susceptibility, but in addition it is necessary to use one more information factor. It is expediently to apply the recently proposed mobile crushing and sorting radiometric complexes, adapted to solve these problems. The preliminary dry enrichment of ores before grinding practically does not change anything, since they completely retain the properties of a particular type of mineral. Modeling has shown that it is expediently to crush ore separately, despite the external possibility of joint processing of some types. Separate grinding will ensure the highest efficiency and transition to more rational schemes of classification of individual types of ores in the process of their extraction. 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Authors and Affiliations

А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець


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А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець (2017). Моделювання підходів подрібнення різнотипів руд конкретного родовища у кульових млинах замкненого циклу. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 43-49. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-276911