Моделирование процесса саморегулирования при прокатке в проволочном блоке стана 400/200 ПАО «ДМК»

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


THE MODELING THE PROCESS OF SELF-REGULATION DURING ROLLING IN A WIRE BLOCK OF A MILL 400/200 PJSC «DMK» Maksimenko O.P., Kuzmin E.V., Loboiko D.I., Lysak V.O. Abstract The work is relevant, because is aimed at reducing the downtime and stoppage of rolling equipment as a result of partial and complete slipping of metal in the deformation zones of a continuous mill with considerable tension of the strip. The aim of the research is to develop a theory and a method for estimating the longitudinal weariness of a metal during the rolling of wire rod in a wire block, and also to study the possibilities for self-regulation of the process when the dimensions of the rolled stock fluctuate. The task of the paper is to analyze the force interaction of a metal with rolls during continuous rolling taking into account the condition of constancy of the second volumes and longitudinal forces of a plastically deformable metal. Conclusions, the conducted research allows to establish theoretically the boundaries of process self-regulation under external disturbance in the form of changing the size of the roll, the wear of the rolls, the tension of the strip. In the future, the results of the study are expected to be used on a medium-grade mill 400/200 in a wire block. References [1] Hrudev A. P. Zahvatyivayuschaya sposobnost prokatnyih valkov [Exciting ability rolling rolls]. Moscow, 1998. 283 p. [2] Prokofev V. Y. [Maximum gripping angles with a steady rolling process]. Trudy DMetY «Obrabotka metallov davlenyem» [Proc. of the DMetY “Metal forming”], 1962, no. XLVIII, pp. 234–239. (In Russian). [3] Maksymenko О. P., Loboiko D. Y., Romaniuk R. Ia., Metallurgical and mining industry. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyishlennost, 2013, no.6, pp. 47–49 (in Russian). [4] Maksymenko О. P., Yzmailova M. K., Loboiko D. Y., Metallurgical and mining industry. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyishlennost, 2015, no.1, pp. 59–62 (in Russian). [5] Maksymenko О. P., Loboiko D. Y., Yzmailova M. K., Prodolnaya ustoychivost polosyi v valkah s analizom kontaktnyih usloviy: Monografiya [Longitudinal stability of a strip in rolls with the analysis of contact conditions: Monograph]. Dneprodzerzhinsk, 2016. 212 p. [6] Hrudev A. P. Teoriya prokatki [Theory of rolling]. Moscow, 2001. 280 p. [7] Shtoda M. N., Ershov S. V., Heimur K. H., Samokhval V. M., Havrylyn S. Iu. [Bulletin of the NTU "KhPI". Series Innovative Technologies and Materials Processing Equipment for Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy]. Visnik NTU «HPI». Seriya Innovatsiyni tehnologiyi ta obladnannya obrobki materialIv u mashinobuduvannі ta metalurgiyi, 2016, no. 30(1202), pp. 79–87.

Authors and Affiliations

О. П. Максименко, Е. В. Кузьмин, Д. И. Лобойко, В. О. Лысак


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How To Cite

О. П. Максименко, Е. В. Кузьмин, Д. И. Лобойко, В. О. Лысак (2017). Моделирование процесса саморегулирования при прокатке в проволочном блоке стана 400/200 ПАО «ДМК». Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 47-51. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277102