Modelling of discharge, nitrate and phosphate loads from the Reda catchment to the Puck Lagoon using SWAT
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2013, Vol 45, Issue 2
Sustainable management of water quantity and quality has recently become a major issue in the face of decreasing water resources and increasing water demand throughout the country (Kundzewicz et al. 2010). According to the surface water availability index (annual out-flow magnitude divided by the number of inhabitants), Poland - with very low water resources - is classified at the bottom of the list of the European countries (Mioduszewski 2008). In addition, the rapid economic development and agriculture intensification in Poland during the 20th century led to the increasing scale of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea (Glasby and Szefer 1998), due to excessive loadings of biogenic substances such as nitrates and phosphates. In order to prevent this negative phenomenon and reverse the trend, complex activities, resulting from the regulations of the Water Framework Directive (2000) have to be undertaken. One of the tasks related to the provision of the WFD is development of effective monitoring system necessary to track and investigate the environmental response to alterations in catchment management. However, the assembled dataset of observations does not explain the processes by itself, but only presents the final response, leaving the driving forces, which trigger the changes, uninvestigated. Hence, a modelling tool such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool – SWAT (Neitsch et al. 2011) can be helpful in providing a detailed description of processes occurring in catchment through simulations transforming input data into output signal determining the water quantity and quality. The SWAT model has proven to be an effective simulation tool, which is manifested by its growing worldwide use (Arnold et al. 2012), in particle in the Baltic Sea region: in Finland (Tattari et al. 2009), Sweden (Ekstrand et al. 2010), Denmark (Hoang et al. 2012), and Poland (Ostojski 2012; Piniewski et al. accepted). This study was carried out in the Reda catchment situated in northern Poland (Fig. 1), draining an area of 482 km2 to the Puck Lagoon (inner Puck Bay, part of the Gulf of Gdańsk). Its objective was to: (1) develop the model set-up of the Reda catchment, (2) calibrate and validate the model against daily water discharge, and bi-monthly measurements of total suspended sediment (TSS), nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) and phosphate phosphorus (P-PO4) loads.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Marcinkowski, Mikołaj Piniewski, Ignacy Kardel, Marek Giełczewski, Tomasz Okruszko
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