Modelling of Moral-Ethical Issues in the Prose and Poetic Heritage of Vitalii Matsko

Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 8


The features of the artistic modeling of moral-ethical issues of the famous Ukrainian writer, scientist Vitalii Matskohave been highlighted in the article. On the material of the story «Killed Roots» and several collections of poetry, it was proved that ethics is a science of morality, although there are no moral concepts in its pure form. By his creative work V. Matsko proves that morality touches upon all spheres of life, various aspects and types of human activity. Ethical categories are basic ones, such as the two poles, the antithetic pairs, the antonyms such as truth – injustice, benefit – harm, honor – dishonor, justice – injustice, love – hatred, happiness - misery, etc.They are expressed in the work of the writer due to the wide application of figurative-expressive means, stylistic figures and are the central dominantsof reproduction in the literary work of moral-ethical issues. It is determined that the author through his own deeply philosophical and imaginative worldview depicts in his writings severe trials that fell on the Ukrainian people’s fate, the Holodomor, repressions, the war, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s global accident and its consequences, and the complicated life human collisions of the past and the present.

Authors and Affiliations

Roman Kruchok


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  • EP ID EP648464
  • DOI 10.31475/fil.dys.2018.08.07
  • Views 116
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How To Cite

Roman Kruchok (2018). Modelling of Moral-Ethical Issues in the Prose and Poetic Heritage of Vitalii Matsko. Філологічний дискурс, 0(8), 65-72.