Modelling of the economic value of denitrification as one of the ecosystem services provided by the Gulf of Gdansk using the WTP

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 4


The article shows a part of the research which aimed at the economic valuation of regulatory ecosystem services provided by the Gulf of Gdansk. The assessment of the economic value of balancing the effects of eutrophication processes was performed by adopting the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The main CVM survey was conducted on a representative group of 1,000 adult Poles. The article presents the results of the econometric modelling of declared amounts that the respondents were willing to pay (WTP – (Willingness to Pay) in order to finance technological solutions for the replacement of the potentially lost natural self-cleaning abilities of the Gulf of Gdansk ecosystem. The effect of sociological, economic and demographic variables on the WTP values was assessed by using interval and tobit regression models. The results revealed the significant impact of the level of income, education, age and environmental awareness on the analysed variable. The econometric analysis of the relationships between variables allowed for better understanding of factors influencing the WTP, which may help in future in more accurate valuation of a wider range of ecosystem services.

Authors and Affiliations

Ilona Wrześniewska, Dorota Ciołek, Tomasz Zarzycki


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How To Cite

Ilona Wrześniewska, Dorota Ciołek, Tomasz Zarzycki (2015). Modelling of the economic value of denitrification as one of the ecosystem services provided by the Gulf of Gdansk using the WTP. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 13(4), 317-336.