Modelo de autogestión formativa permanente del profesional del Derecho como mediador social
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 6
The research responds to the need to achieve the transformation of lifelong professional training of law as a social mediator, to respond to demands related to social conflicts. This led to a diagnosis that was contextualized in the exercise of the profession of lawyers in the province of Granma,Cuba, and revealed as a scientific problem: the shortcomings in the legal evaluative process legal professionals regarding social conflicts that limit their social and professional significance, the objective of the research is given in the preparation of self-management model of permanent training professional law as a social mediator. The scientific novelty of the research lies in having revealed an integrative logic of self-management training permanent culture of social mediation, as an expression of permanent self-training of legal professional in legal practice. It was assessed and also confirmed the scientific relevance of the proposed model and the feasibility of application of the latter. As research methods were used, theoretical: -synthesis analysis,deductive, inductive logic historical and systemic - structural;Empirical: interview and survey;statistics: percentage analysis for the processing of the data obtained during the research process.
Authors and Affiliations
Dra. Alba Rosa Pupo- Kairuz, Eliceo Ramírez Chávez, Teddy Elizabeth De la Cruz Valdiviezo
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