Modelowanie wpływu drgań drogowych na przemieszczenia w strefie poślizgu zbocza przy uwzględnieniu fal impulsowych
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6
In the paper, modeling of the effect of road vibrations on displacements in the slide zone, taking into account impulse waves is presented. The analysis was carried out for an area in which landslide movements occurred in 2010. The analysis concerning the influence of the vibration source’s speed was carried out. The influence of the generated load on the values of vertical displacements created in the slide zone was analyzed. Loads from moving trucks have been included in the form of kinematic impact. Numerical simulations were carried out using a program based on the Finite Element Method.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Pilecka, Dariusz Szwarkowski
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