Models of a post-global open society in the concepts of J. Soros and J. Rifkin

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article is devoted to the modeling of an open society by the projects of Dzh.Riffin (Open Society Network and Energy Pangea) and Dzh.Soros (Democratic Alliance). Scientists are investigating the impact of new technologies on society, changing value orientations, and the formation of new forms of social participation. They make predictions about future social transformations in post-global conditions and have experience in translating their ideas into practice during the twenty-first century. J.Soros called himself a direct follower of the idea of A.Bergson and K.Popper. He builds his project on the principles of humanism, democracy and the protection of human rights. J. Rifkіn combines the ideas of green energy, the formation of new ideas about nature (entropy), values (biophilia, empathy), which together form the basis of a society of open networks. J.Soros proposes to carry out changes through civil society, government and rethinking the status of the country's sovereignty in international politics. He proposes a series of transformations that have increased the potential for mutual understanding between subjects, mechanisms for encouraging and controlling violations. In politics, this is support or economic sanctions, in the life of citizens - educational activities in the field of the protection of the rights of a person and citizen. J. Rifkin draws parallels between the Internet and the intelligent energy network, which is currently being formed. He believes that the association of people who freely share valuable information on the network is also free to share the energy of renewable sources. Both scientists note the crisis of values and the loss of guidelines that have emerged in global society after the turbulent events of the twentieth century. They offer their options for the development of future events and the direction of economic, social and ideological transformations.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Nikolenko


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How To Cite

Hanna Nikolenko (2018). Models of a post-global open society in the concepts of J. Soros and J. Rifkin. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 101-117.