Visual Studies in the Parameters of Historical and Philosophical Knowledge and the Formation of Thinking
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
The conceptual foundations, principles, substantive structure «metaphor of vision» in the intellectual dimension of philosophical concepts are indentified, the problem of «visualization» in scientific knowledge, thinking and learning is actualized. The main directions of the analysis of metaphorization in historical and philosophical development are revealed, taking into account the meanings of the visual experience, first acquired by the ancient mythology, which attached particular importance to the view, with an appeal to the visual perception through the prism of visual metaphors. Applying the logical-discursive approach, a number of important philosophical metaphors, which have a visual nature, are shown. «Metaphor of sight», «metaphor of light», «metaphor of a mirror», and others, are systematically substantiated. Their functions are outlined: idiomatic, stylistic, heuristic, which complement the process of philosophical knowledge in the transcendental and transcendental aspects. It is shown that metaphors in the process of cognition can raise the understanding of reality, so they should not be perceived literally. The Plato's Allegory of the Cave is revealed in the context of the formation of the cognitive ability of contemplation, which plays an important role in the process of mastering the «mental vision» of the real world. For Plato and Aristotle, visual perception first appears as an epistemological problem, since this is the main source of our knowledge of the world. Attention is paid to the concept of «theory», which in antiquity meant the kind of activity of the philosopher – «to look» is «to theorize» that meant to learn and to understand. It is proved that «visual», which is rooted in philosophy and describes philosophical activity, appears as a method of philosophical research and is associated with philosophical thinking, the basis of creative development of reality
Authors and Affiliations
Halyna Ilyina
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