Modern labour market: dismissal of employees as a factor of structural discrepancy between supply and demand

Journal Title: Проблеми економіки - Year 2013, Vol 2013, Issue 2


The article considers the modern state of the labour market of Ukraine, namely, problems of availability of structural disproportions between the demand and supply of labour force, including from the regional point of view. It reveals availability of factors that strengthen disproportions: branch, territorial, socio-demographic, and professional and qualification, and identifies as a key factor the cyclic development of economy, which results in increase of a number of dismissed employees from enterprises, institutions and organisations. It analyses dismissal of employees by reasons, types of economic activity and categories of working places. It reveals a necessity of co-ordination of regional socio-economic, financial and demographic policy, the goal of which would be managing mobility of labour force with consideration of issues of provision of habitation when changing place of work and simultaneous perfection of the system of professional training and re-training.

Authors and Affiliations

Diana Zoidze


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How To Cite

Diana Zoidze (2013). Modern labour market: dismissal of employees as a factor of structural discrepancy between supply and demand. Проблеми економіки, 2013(2), 59-65.