Modern linguistic personality and religion (on the material of comparative constructions)


The language reflects the cultural situation in the society, including the ratio of modern linguistic personality to religion. The analysis of comparative constructions and their figurative component has shown that the modern linguistic personality when making comparisons appeals to the images associated with religion, though it does so not that often than before, at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. However, in the spiritual world of native speakers the various religious ideas of Christianity, other religions, paganism, superstition, are connected, often paradoxically. The speaker appeals not to the essence of the image, not to its internal value, not the spiritual component, but to its external attributes. For modern linguistic

Authors and Affiliations

Mary Krylova


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How To Cite

Mary Krylova (2012). Modern linguistic personality and religion (on the material of comparative constructions). Лабиринт. Журнал социально-гуманитарных исследований, 1(1), 24-29.