What memories do we choose? How does a digital camera change our memory.


 Our concerns in the paper are the differences in the ways of recollecting personal past with mediation of digital vs. analog photographs. The technology of analog photography doesn’t allow to control the final image. The main impact of digital technology for non-professional photographer is a chance to see the image before it would be saved. Therefore, while using analog camera photographer seems to encode more additional and non-controllable information. It may lead to the differences in the quality of memories. Participants of the study took photographs of the same event. They took 6 photos by analog camera and 6 photos by digital camera. Participants recollected the target event twice two weeks and a year later. In accordance with hypothesis those who took analog photos recollected significantly more details and narrated better stories of the past event than those who took digital photos.

Authors and Affiliations

Galina Kozyar, Veronika Nurkova


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How To Cite

Galina Kozyar, Veronika Nurkova (2012).  What memories do we choose? How does a digital camera change our memory.. Лабиринт. Журнал социально-гуманитарных исследований, 4(4), 12-25. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-103654