Modernizing the human rights Complaints system at UNO
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 04
Since 1947, the commission on HRs has been working on monitoring, following up and protecting HRs all over the world, and due to the limitations of its competencies, the HRs council was established to replace the commission after granting it broader competencies to exercise the function of monitoring and protecting HRs . The council played an important role in the development of the complaints and communications system in addition to the system of special rapporteurs, taking into account the confidentiality of procedures and information, and on the other hand, it established advisory committees to be a new and effective procedure in supporting and developing the council's procedures in the protection of HRs . During the past period, the council has been able to increase the effectiveness of the complaints and communications system by modernizing them and ensuring seriousness and reliability .it has also worked to increase the effectiveness of the special rapporteurs system, in addition to deepening the council's closed procedures with the state and the complainant. it has also expanded the complaints procedures to include nine major human rights conventions so that individuals in all countries can submit their complaints, in addition to increasing the effectiveness of states ' reports on HRs violations.
Authors and Affiliations
Ibrahim Ahmed Abed Al Samaraee
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