„Moja Matka…”. Szkic do maryjnego portretu Ojca Franciszka Marii od Krzyża Jordana
Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue
Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan was a great worshipper of Mother of God. His Spiritual Diary has become a particular witness of this bond. It contains a lot of notes referring to his personal relationship with Mary. Familiarity with Mary stemmed from his familiarity with Jesus. In Jesus he discovered the Savior and in Mary – the Savior’s Mother. He often contemplated Jesus the Savior on the cross and Mary – under the cross. Father Francis brought numerous requests to Mary. He put slips of paper with intentions which were important to him, in the hands of the statue of Mary, standing on his desk. He cultivated Mary’s honor in the liturgy with great devotion. When Mary’s feasts or month drew near, he made a particular effort to prepare himself and his confreres for the celebrations. He died on the 8th of September, 1918, on the feast of Mary’s birthday, which was a meaningful sign of his bond with Mary.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Wons
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