Molecular biology of head and neck tumours in genomic and proteomic era

Journal Title: Współczesna Onkologia - Year 2006, Vol 10, Issue 8


The background of the neoplastic process is a transformation of single cells. When those cells get a neoplastic phenotype, this change is almost irreversible and is transmitted to the next cell generations. The aim of this article is a description of specificity of head and neck tumours reflected by molecular biology of tumour cells using the aforementioned scheme. The basic studies allowed for selection of diagnostic and prognostic markers as well as development of new therapeutic strategies of multi-drug as well as directed treatment. Head and neck tumours are strongly related to tobacco smoking. Knowing this phenomenon induction of DNA lesions is well understood. As a result of chemical reaction of carcinogens in tobacco smoke we observe formation of carcinogen-DNA adducts. The DNA lesions were studied at whole DNA genome level, but the most important are lesions formed in important functional areas. Chromosomal aberrations are one of the best known phenomena in head and neck tumours. As a base of this process is coincidence of different cell clones and selection of some of them during the course of disease. The results of basic studies in head and neck tumours are now extended to clinical practice.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Szyfter, Wojciech Golusiński


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Szyfter, Wojciech Golusiński (2006). Molecular biology of head and neck tumours in genomic and proteomic era. Współczesna Onkologia, 10(8), 385-390.