Molecular organization of 5S rDNA in two ukrainian populations of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)


Aim. The genetic variability of tree species has still not been studied enough at the molecular level. Considering the relatively low rate of molecular evolution in perennial tree species, it is necessary to use only those regions of genome, which demonstrate a high level of variability, such as 5S rDNA. Accordingly, to estimate the potential of 5S rDNA as a molecular marker for tree species, the organization of this genomic region was compared between samples from two geographically remote Ukrainian populations of sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus. Methods. PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing of the 5S rDNA IGS of A.pseudoplatanus. Results. It was shown that only one variant of 5S rDNA repeat with a length of 475 bp is present in the genome of A. pseudoplatanus.  Also, it was found that the elements typical for the angiosperm RNA polymerase III promoter, which are localized in IGS, appear to be different from those previously described for species of other families. The level of IGS sequence similarity within the populations exceeds 99%, while the level of IGS sequence similarity between various populations is only 93,3-94,3%. Conclusions. High rate of molecular evolution of the 5S rDNA IGS makes them a convenient molecular marker for evaluation of intraspecific variation in populations of A. pseudoplatanus.Key words: 5S rDNA, molecular markers, intraspecific variability, Acer

Authors and Affiliations

O. O. Rusak, V. I. Petrashchuk, I. I. Panchuk, R. A. Volkov


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  • EP ID EP613746
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.14.2.691
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How To Cite

O. O. Rusak, V. I. Petrashchuk, I. I. Panchuk, R. A. Volkov (2016). Molecular organization of 5S rDNA in two ukrainian populations of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 14(2), 216-220.