Monitoring and Supervision of Adult Basic Education: District Education Officers’ Dilemma in Machakos County of Kenya
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
The purpose of the study is to explore challenges facing District Adult and Continuing Education Officers (DACEO’s) in Monitoring and Supervision of Adult Basic Education in Machakos County in Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design and was based on the conceptual framework embracing four main theories namely: - Adult learning theory, Mezirow’s Theory of Perspective Transformation, Systems Theory and Reference Group Theory. The units of analysis were 424 Adult Education Learning Centers. The study population was 8 District Adult and Continuing Education (DACEO’s). The targeted populations were 128 Adult education Centers and 8 Adult Education Officers. The researcher used both Stratified and saturated random sampling to pick out a corresponding sample. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. The study found out that most of the adult teachers (67.5%) had inadequate understanding of the reform in the adult education sector by the adult education teachers (67.5%) thereby giving the district adult and continuing education officers a difficult time as they try to assist the teachers to comprehend and implement some of the policies and processes in the delivery of the curriculum. There is also lack of proper learning venues in most of the adult education centers (72.3%) thus posing a great challenge during monitoring and supervision. There is evidence of inadequate teaching and learning equipment and improper supervision of the programs that compromise the quality and delivery of the curriculum in addition to severe financial constraints as a result of little or no funding from both the County and Central governments. In light of the findings, it is recommended that the government (both County and Central) make every effort to secure proper learning venues and release funds to support the literacy programs and facilitate the district adult and continuing officers to monitor and supervise the programs. Keywords: Adult Basic education, District Education Officers, Monitoring and Supervision.
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Nzinga, Kageni Njagi
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