Моніторинг антропогенно порушених земель львівського полігону твердих побутових відходів / Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed lands of Lviv ground solid domestic wastes


Monitoring of the Lviv municipal service (enterprise) «Zbyranka» was done. The heavy metals pollution of soil and water was found out: Development of vegetation of the dump terraces was investigated. The morphological analysis of soils showed that on territory, adjoining to the dump cespititious soils which from a depth a 30–40 cm flooding subground waters are widespread, and that is why there is clay To the elements concentration of which more HDK belongs: lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, cobalt, nickel, chrome, arsenic, vanadium, manganese. Most exceeding above middle content marked at a cadmium and arsenic in 4 times, to lead – in 2 times, molybdenum, cobalt and silver – accordingly in 23,7; 12,3 and 49 time. The greatest concentrations of heavy metals gravitate to the peripheral areas of trash dump. Nearer to the dump the anomalous concentrations of almost all determined elements are marked. With a removal from the object of contamination heavy metals diminishes, but their concentrations remain higher norms. With a depth for a norm is approached genetic horizons of concentration of these elements. Thus, it is set the conducted researches, that the Lviv ground of hard domestic wastes and artificially created depositories of oil, organized and built without the observance of the basic requirements of defence of environment, namely, the geochemical barrier of defence of geological and geohydrology environment is not created from penetration of pollutants. Considerable heterogeneity registers in distribution of concentrations of elements for the areas of the tested area. Anomalous content of most elements shows up in soils of area actually valleys of to 350 meters from trash dump, though further their high enough concentrations are also kept. The anomalous concentrations of metals are characteristic also in north-eastern part of valley which adjoins to the stream of flows from a ground. Obviously from this stream in a certain measure there is infiltration of pollutants in soils. Contamination of soils it is observed heavy metals, practically all elements, within the limits of sanitary-hygienic area of ground, namely, in the places of location of oil lakes and, especially, in the places of output of liquid phase of oil on an earthly surface.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Snitynskyy, Oleh Zelisko, Petro Khirivskyі, Andriy Buchko, Yuriy Korinets


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  • EP ID EP557967
  • DOI 10.31734/agronomy2018.02.005
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How To Cite

Volodymyr Snitynskyy, Oleh Zelisko, Petro Khirivskyі, Andriy Buchko, Yuriy Korinets (2018). Моніторинг антропогенно порушених земель львівського полігону твердих побутових відходів / Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed lands of Lviv ground solid domestic wastes. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 5-8.