Обґрунтування моніторингу шкідників пшениці озимої в Лісостепу України / Substantiation of monitoring of pests of winter wheat in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
At present, the provisions on the impossibility of general, complex patterns of population dynamics in new technologies for growing winter wheat and other crops are clearly confirmed. Thus, with zero processing and cultivation of comparatively stable varieties of winter wheat, environmental protection measures, in particular, siderial cultures, which influenced the mechanisms of phytophagous self-regulation, acquired special significance. In 2015–2017 years. In the forest-steppe of Ukraine, dominant internal stem caustic insect species were found. At the same time, the volatile nature of the complex of weather and climate factors influenced the entomocomplex of winter wheat germination, in particular, on the survival of larvae of these pest species. A reliable increase in the abundance of black wheat flies, Swedish and Hessian flies was established, which influenced the quantitative and qualitative indices of vegetative crop plants. Therefore, the winter grain cereal crops are constantly threatened by the loss of grain yields from the complex of harmfulness of cereal flies. In limiting the number of these phytophages, an important role is played by organizational and agrotechnical techniques: the timing of sowing, predecessors, varieties, etc. With No-till technology, the intensity of development, reproduction and spread of cereal flies, the harmfulness of their larvae largely depends on a complex of weather and climate factors and preventive and special protective measures to regulate the number of pests in the early stages of winter wheat organogenesis.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Sakhnenko, D. Sakhnenko
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