Morganella sp. rods – characteristics, infections, mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0


The Morganella genus is one member of the tribe Proteae, which also includes the genera Proteus and Providencia. These bacteria are commonly present in the environment. Morganella sp. rods are known to be a causative agent of opportunistic hospital infections, mainly urinary tract, wound and blood infections of severe and high mortality, even in cases of an appropriate antibiotic. These bacteria may produce many virulence factors, for example urease, hemolysins, LPS, adhesins and enzymes hydrolyzing and modifying antibiotics commonly used to treat infections. Understanding the diverse biological properties of these rods may be of importance in the development of effective methods of prevention and control of infections with their participation.

Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Zalas-Więcek, Anna Michalska, Eugenia Gospodarek


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How To Cite

Patrycja Zalas-Więcek, Anna Michalska, Eugenia Gospodarek (2012). Morganella sp. rods – characteristics, infections, mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics . Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 66(0), 242-251.