Morphology and Thermal Properties of Expanded Graphite (EG)/Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) Nanocomposites
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 1
Nanocomposites based on poly(ethylene terephtalate) and expanded graphite (PET/EG) with 0.025-0.4wt.% nanofiller content were prepared by in situ condensation polymerization (polycondensation). Their morphology was determined (TEM, SEM), thermal stability by TGA (temperatures corresponding to: 2% (T-2%),10% (T-10%) and 50% (T-50%) weight loss, activation energy by Freeman-Carroll method (Ea), temperature of maximum mass loss rate of nanocomposites in air and in argon. Also the influence of graphene was assessed on the physical transition occurring in the PET (DSC). The results of PET/EG nanocomposites were compared with the unmodified PET. SEM images of nanocomposite exhibit a diphasic structure of PET / EG of clearly visible graphene platelets, and few agglomerates. The study of nanocomposites of PET / EG using TEM techniques confirmed the presence of grephene platelets size of about 1÷10 μm. This means, that in situ polymerization has been used to obtain exfoliated and relatively evenly spaced graphene plates (EG) in the PET matrix. In addition, it was demonstrated that the addition of nanofiller not significantly affect the physical transition temperature, as well as the degree of crystallinity of PET. Higher thermal stability and thermo-oxidative stability of the nanocomposites was observed resulting from participation of graphene nanoparticles.
Authors and Affiliations
Sandra Paszkiewicz, Zbigniew Rosłaniec, Anna Szymczyk, Zdenko Spitalsky, Jaroslav Mosnacek
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