Motive, Meaning and Social Action of Youtube Content Creators in Indonesia
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 2
Abstract:This article is a study towards the dynamic of social media usage and its users, especially YouTubers. This research was aimed to explore the meaning of YouTube for content creators, find out the motive, and know the behavior of a content creator in YouTube. This research used social phenomenology research method from Alfred Schutz by employing a qualitative approach. The data were obtained by conducting interviews with 11 YouTubers which were selected via purposive sampling. The results of the study indicated different motives. There were 11 motive groups that encouraged informants becoming YouTube content creators. The motives were classified into 3 main motives: personal-use motive, social motive, and commercial motive. Furthermore, the behavior was being examined through phenomenological context; it had a meaning that as content creators, the informants were able to manage strategies to overcome the experienced obstacles to embody their motives. This research also revealed that YouTube was gradually constructed as a means to work or to be creative; means of media and information consumption, and means of business. YouTube turned out to be the reality of expression and business. One's behavior actually communicated who or how a person will form a self-identity. Keywords:Content creator, YouTube, phenomenology.
Authors and Affiliations
FaridHamid U, Ahmad Mulyana, Marissa Regina
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