Motor Action Competence in Active Elders: Correlates of Motor Resources<br /> and Subjective Health<br />
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 37
The concept of Motor Action Competence (MAC) denotes the capability of adequately mastering motor demands in everyday life by using motor resources optimally. Main objectives were the investigation of active seniors’ MAC in three different areas and their associations with motor resources and subjective health.168 active senior volunteers at the mean age of 67 took part in a sport scientific screening of two MAC areas – “Perceiving & Reacting” (P&R) and “Managing Complex Situations” (MCS) – and motor resources. The subjective MAC area “Everyday Life Motor Competence” (ELC) and various standardized scales assessing physical, psychological and social dimensions of subjective health were assessed by questionnaire.MCS and ELC significantly declined with increasing age, whereas P&R proved to be age-independent. The two objective areas P&R and MCS were associated with motor resources: Competent participants (compared to incompetent ones) in both areas showed faster speed of movements, faster simple reactions, a stronger handcraft of both dominant and non-dominant hand, and higher mobility. With respect to MCS, they were also better in dynamic balancing. MCS and ELC proved to be health-related, while P&R did not: Poorly performing persons in MCS (in comparison to competent ones) showed deficits in psychological health, BMI, and physical well-being, whereas poorly performing persons in ELC showed deficits in physical health, symptoms, physical well-being, and BMI.The results corroborate the concept of MAC and emphasize the significance of age-compatible and everyday life-adjusted physical activity for successful ageing.
Authors and Affiliations
Ulrich Wiesman, Kirsten Eisfeld, Hans-Joachim Hannich, Peter Hirtz
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