[b][/b]Body posture of children of early sport specialization
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 53
[b]Aim of the work.[/b] Assessment of body posture of boys and girls presenting early sport specialization comparing to non-training group.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The trial was conducted among the pupils of sports schools. The sample included 380 children, 186 boys and 194 girls in the 11–15 age range. Referential group consisted of 664 boys and 665 girls from Polkowice. Body posture was assessed on the strength of the spine shape in saggital plane using Moire topography. There was assigned the angle of kyphosis and lordosis and compensation indicator. According to this data, different categories of body posture were defined.[b]Results.[/b] Among male athletes the correct body posture was observed in 50% children between the ages of 11 to 12, among older boys the percentage of children with proper body posture was lower. In the reference group there was similar percentage of children with proper body posture between 40 and 48%. 58% of training girls presented proper body posture, the number of girls with that posture lowered up to 30–40% in older groups. In the referential group the percentage of proper body posture was the highest among the girls aged 13.[b]Conclusion.[/b] Occurrence of proper body posture among the children in the 11–15 age range decreased with age. In boys from training and referential groups the most common improper posture was kyphotic posture, in group of girls there was lordotic posture.
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Fugiel, Teresa Sławińska
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