The author presents the mind models created by outstanding mathematician Roger Penrose. From critical analysis of the models, it results that mathematics – and any other crystallized branch of contemporary science – is a...
The Author, basing his views on many-years of observation, practical experience (70 years of activity in fencing) and many tests, how the various component parts of fencer's training (energy fitness, motor co-ordination,...
[b]Introduction.[/b] Modern football challenges to be faced by players encourage search for training forms and methods which will facilitate effective preparation for playing under the opponent’s pressure and improve per...
Już po raz drugi zespół naukowców z Katedry Motoryczności Człowieka katowickiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego zorganizował konferencjęo nazwie „Motor Control”. Pierwsza, „Motor Control 2000”, odbyła się w dniach 27-29.1...
EP ID EP59973
Views 91
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How To Cite
Wacław Petryński (2004). Motor Control 2004” Conference. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 14(28),
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Mathematics and consciousness – mind models by Penrose and information processing in a human
The author presents the mind models created by outstanding mathematician Roger Penrose. From critical analysis of the models, it results that mathematics – and any other crystallized branch of contemporary science – is a...
Energy Abilities, Co-ordination, Technique, Tactics and Psychomotor Processes in Different Stages of Fencer's Training
The Author, basing his views on many-years of observation, practical experience (70 years of activity in fencing) and many tests, how the various component parts of fencer's training (energy fitness, motor co-ordination,...
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Effectiveness of 11–13-year-old footballers training based on small and auxiliary games
[b]Introduction.[/b] Modern football challenges to be faced by players encourage search for training forms and methods which will facilitate effective preparation for playing under the opponent’s pressure and improve per...
Konferencja „Motor Control 2004”
Już po raz drugi zespół naukowców z Katedry Motoryczności Człowieka katowickiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego zorganizował konferencjęo nazwie „Motor Control”. Pierwsza, „Motor Control 2000”, odbyła się w dniach 27-29.1...