[b]Cel pracy.[/b] Analiza częstości skurczów serca u siedmioletnich dzieci, jako reakcja układu krążenia na zabawy ruchowe o charakterze bieżnym w czasie zajęć z wychowania fizycznego.[b]Materiał i metody.[/b] Badaniem o...
Purpose: Cycling is a sport in which the risk of overload and injuries is very high. The aim of the work was to perform a movement analysis of tandem track cyclists with a video system.Basic procedures: Male and female t...
Aim of the study. To determine the level of technical efficiency of gymnasts from the youngest sports category in elementary floor exercises.Material and methods. Study participants comprised 12 boys who trained in gymna...
EP ID EP59973
Views 98
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How To Cite
Wacław Petryński (2004). Motor Control 2004” Conference. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 14(28),
133-142. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-59973
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Reakcje układu krążenia w czasie lekcji wychowania fizycznego u uczniów pierwszej klasy szkoły podstawowej
[b]Cel pracy.[/b] Analiza częstości skurczów serca u siedmioletnich dzieci, jako reakcja układu krążenia na zabawy ruchowe o charakterze bieżnym w czasie zajęć z wychowania fizycznego.[b]Materiał i metody.[/b] Badaniem o...
Purpose: Cycling is a sport in which the risk of overload and injuries is very high. The aim of the work was to perform a movement analysis of tandem track cyclists with a video system.Basic procedures: Male and female t...
New Ideas and Tendencies in Sport Kinetics and Sport Science. The Actual State and Prospects. The Report on the International Conference 10th Sport Kinetics ‘07 in Belgrade
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The level of technical efficiency of youngest-category gymnasts based on the phase structure of elementary floor exercises
Aim of the study. To determine the level of technical efficiency of gymnasts from the youngest sports category in elementary floor exercises.Material and methods. Study participants comprised 12 boys who trained in gymna...