Motor fitness and coordination abilities vs. effectiveness of play in sitting volleyball
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 49
[b]Aim of the work.[/b] To find relations between coordination abilities, motor fitness and effectiveness of play of sitting volleyball players.[b]Material and methods. [/b]The study material consisted of sixty players of the Polish sitting volleyball league. The test of general motor fitness included: dynamic strength of upper limbs, static strength of hand, muscular endurance of upper limbs, muscular strength of body, body flexibility (back muscles), endurance-speed. For the measurement of special motor fitness the following tests were used: attack, serve, overhand pass, forearm pass, tip. For the assessment of coordination abilities computer tests of coordination abilities were used which included measurement of time of simple reaction to visual stimulus (simple reaction), time of complex reaction to visual stimulus (complex reaction), effect of visual-motor coordination (Piórkowski test), orientation ability (a cross matching test), attention divisibility, orientation ability – perception. The assessment of effectiveness of play was performed according to the formula proposed by Coleman [1].[b]Results.[/b] The analysis of correlation between general and special fitness as well as coordination abilities and effectiveness of play indicates that the greatest impact on effectiveness of play of players in the Polish sitting volleyball league was exerted by the results of the following tests: body flexibility with endurance-speed in general fitness, ball passes, both overhand and forearm, and attack in special fitness, and in terms of coordination abilities particularly great impact was noted in the test of attention divisibility, orientation-perception and complex reaction.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The level of majority of tested properties of motor fitness and coordination abilities shows a statistically significant relation with the effectiveness of basic technical and tactical actions applied when playing sitting volleyball.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Jadczak, Andrzej Kosmol, Robert Śliwowski
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