Morphological Age and Selected Components of the Health-Related Fitness (H-RF)

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 17, Issue 42


Introduce. Despite the long period of conducted researches, the problem of the physical activity evaluation still remains open. There is some consciousness to include the development factor in the evaluation of the newer human kinetics measurement components, however any methods to be inducted to relate the physical activity in the school environment seem to be disputable.The goal of the researches: 1. To find out what is the function of the particular morphological age components in diversification of the individual components of the physical activity according to the health convention. 2. To describe, in the main periods of ontogenesis, the effectiveness limit of the relativeness methods of the physical activity convention’s basic components using the traditional formula estimating the morphological age.The subject. Among 6353 boys at the age of 9–18, tested in 1996–2005 in Małopolska region, 150 individuals in 3 age groups of 9–10, 13–14 and 17–8 were chosen. In total, the results of the basic components of the physical activity elements (morphological, skeletal-muscular and circulatory-respiratory) deriving from 900 male individuals from primary and secondary schools of the Polish regions (Małopolska, Podkarpacie, and Świętokrzyski) were taken under consideration. Such selected community (each 150 individuals) was divided into 3 groups (each 50 individuals). The division criterion was the morphological age, which was the biological development measurement. To estimate the statistical analysis only subjects from two extreme variables ranges were considered. Because of the numerical criterium of the diversion the cohort’s, extreme fractions above 67 and below 33 centile could be considered. The other numbers of the tested located close to the median were not included in further statistical analysis.Methods. In the age groups and the extreme fractions of the tested, chosen according to the morphological age, the SD value of the physical activity components enclosed in H-RF was estimated. It enabled to normalize the 0 and 1 level of the intergroups differences and to describe their statistical significance. To estimate the strength between independent variable (the morphological age) and dependent variables ( the physical activity of H-RF components) Pearson correlation and part-correlation methods were used. The significance of the intergroups differences and correlation coefficients were tested by t-Student test. The arithmetic means and Pearson correlation and part-correlation coefficients’ values were described as the statistical variables with at least 5% (p 0,05) importance level.The results. The part-correlation was extremely helpful in claiming there was a great importance of the calendar age in determining the morphological age. The body mass age and body height age, as well as the calendar age had a great influence on the numerical value of the tested male groups. The morphological age influenced mostly on the kinetic and functional components especially among the individuals of the junior and puberty period. The biggest impact of the influence was discovered during such tests of the physical activity as: flexibility, tapping, spatial orientation, VO2 max (relative values), 50 and 1000 m distance run time and standing jump results.Summary. The results of the advanced statistical method justify not always appreciated need of introducing the calendar age to the mathematical formula describing the biological age. The morphological age complying the body mass age, body height and the life length (the calendar age), can be a factor deducting the biological development from the kinetic and functional components of the physical activity in the health convention. From the adolescence period the morphological age influence on described parameters suppresses.

Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Januszewski , Edward Mleczko


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How To Cite

Jerzy Januszewski, Edward Mleczko (2008). Morphological Age and Selected Components of the Health-Related Fitness (H-RF). Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(42), 17-33.