Motywowanie pracowników w czasie kryzysu - znaczenie środków niematerialnych

Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2010, Vol 0, Issue 2


Effective motivation system should be flexible due to the necessity of continual adapting to new external and internal activity conditions. Changes occur also in personal value systems – not only pay level but also supervisor’s and co-workers’ approval, job satisfaction, sense of importance are significant. Satisfying that needs requires applying for intangible tools, concerning psychological aspect. This issue is important as well in context of unfavourable changes in companies macroeconomic environment because intangible tools don’t need employing excessive financial assets. This paper is focused on selected intangible motivation tools in contemporary enterprise, such as: empowerment, coaching, feedback, career planning.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Mazurkiewicz


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How To Cite

Anna Mazurkiewicz (2010). Motywowanie pracowników w czasie kryzysu - znaczenie środków niematerialnych. Przedsiębiorstwo i region, 0(2), 41-59.