
У статті розглядається одне з актуальних питань в контексті теми мовної толерантності в сучасному суспільстві – питання про мовну агресію та негативацію як видів маніпулятивної мовної тактики та сугестивних чинників, які широко використовується в сучасних ЗМІ, зокрема в публіцистичному та рекламному дискурсі. Автор статті вивчає проблему на прикладі сучасного рекламного дискурсу на матеріалі української, новогрецької та російської мов. The present article deals with one of the topical issues in the context of linguistic tolerance in modern society, such as the problem of the language of aggression and negativation as a kind of manipulative technique of the language widely used in modern media, journalistic and advertising discourse. The author examines the issue as an example of contemporary advertising discourse on the basis of Ukrainian, Modern Greek and Russian. Over the last three decades at the turn of the centuries the problem of linguistic tolerance in mass media and advertising discourses is becoming more and more vital in terms of carrying out various kinds of comprehensive research in the interdisciplinary context. Nevertheless, in the aspect of emotional coloring, namely in that of negative and aggressively expressed load as a vector factor of suggestiveness, advertising is practically un-researched in spite of the communicative weight of the category of emotionality and the necessity of studying implementation peculiarities thereof in commercials, which also determines vitality of the problem selected. The objective of the article lies in defining the concepts of lingual aggression and linguistic negativation as factors of modern commercials which are the leading elements of each advertising campaign. The aforementioned concepts are considered on the basis of Ukrainian, Modern Greek and Russian commercials. In her article, the author considers cases of using stylistically lowered lexis, colloquial lexis and other means of verbalizing negativation and lingual aggression found in commercials made up in the languages under research and provides examples of the functioning of the aforementioned modern media suggestive factors. Developing the theme of verbalizing negativation and lingual aggression as one of the types of linguistic manipulation and suggested factor in the context of the issue of language tolerance, the author of the article gives an example of the functioning of the media in the Modern Greek language, namely in advertising texts, the phenomenon of the "greeklish" – that is the system of transmission on the writing of the text of the Modern Greek language in Latin letters. This phenomenon is interpreted by the author as an expression of verbalizing negativation and lingual aggression. However, it should be noted that the use of up-to-date negative or aggressive, sometimes even shocking emotions, can contribute to attracting attention and memorization, which becomes the basis for the introduction of powerful suggestive influence of modern mass media.

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Rozhkova


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Iryna Rozhkova (2017). МОВНА АГРЕСІЯ ТА НЕГАТИВАЦІЯ ЯК СУГЕСТИВНІ ЧИННИКИ ЗАСОБІВ МАСОВОЇ ІНФОРМАЦІЇ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ СУЧАСНОГО РЕКЛАМНОГО ДИСКУРСУ). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 244-249. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433448