Możliwość zatrudniania przez wojta pełnomocnikow na podstawie umow cywilnoprawnych

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2019, Vol 62, Issue 2


The professional performance of public tasks results in the necessity to employ persons who treat the performance of these tasks as a profession and therefore should be employed within the framework of an employment relationship. Therefore, it is not possible to employ proxies under a civil law contract to perform official tasks. Employment on such a position under a civil-law contract can be assessed as a circumvention of rules, according to which local government employees should be employed – including the rules established in terms of recruitment, qualifications and duties.

Authors and Affiliations

Irena Galińska-Rączy


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  • EP ID EP629935
  • DOI 10.31268/ZPBAS.2019.35
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How To Cite

Irena Galińska-Rączy (2019). Możliwość zatrudniania przez wojta pełnomocnikow na podstawie umow cywilnoprawnych. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 62(2), 214-220.