Mudflow phtnomena on the territory of Ukrainian Cfrpathian mountains and Crimean mountains


The article deals with the main concepts and reasons of mudflows that occur in the mountain rivers of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains and Crimean mountains due to the intense snowmelt and rainfall. Classification types of mudflows were presented, mudflow phenomena features and countermeasures of mudflow influence were examined. The main factors in the mudflows formation are physical and geographic features: topography, geology, lithology, meteorological characteristics, type of soil and vegetation, economic activity. Carpathian area has medium degree of mudflow activity. The removals volume of mudflows are mostly small. The main circumstances in river basins in Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains and Crimean mountains territory are: potential possibility of an intensive slope and channel flow as a result of intense precipitation in the form of rain or heavy snowmelt; sufficient amount of loose rock in the mudflow basins presence; mudflow channels and adjacent slopes inclination presence that provides the possibility of shift and further mudflow transportation. Protective structures construction, mudflow basins melioration, environmental management ‒ all these reduce mudflow processes activity, thus, changing the mudflow regime. Logging regulation in Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains in the second half of the 20th century led to intensive decrease of the mudflow process. A similar effect was slopes terracing in good condition with plantations in the mountain part of the Crimea. Thus, measures implementation of protection against mudflows, reducing the level of mudflow activity, alters the mudflow regime. These changes are manifested in the frequency decrease and removals volumes of mudflows. This excludes the possibility of the large catastrophic mudflows occurrence.

Authors and Affiliations

A. G. , Kukovskyy, V. P. , Kizima, P. P. Semchuk


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How To Cite

A. G. , Kukovskyy, V. P. , Kizima, P. P. Semchuk (2017). Mudflow phtnomena on the territory of Ukrainian Cfrpathian mountains and Crimean mountains. Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури, 1(66), 155-161.