Müslim’s Method Related to the Tellers of Opponent
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 2
Müslim Imam (d. 261/875) is a well-known scholar with his work named al-Jami al-sahih like his teacher who is Bukhari, and it is seen rahat he has got the works in the field of dignitaries. So Müslim produced studies with the names of et-Tabakât, Kitâbu al-kunâ ve al-asmâ and el-Münferidât ve al-vuhdân, including the aforementioned work. Müslim evaluates the tellers in these works, and a part of his dignitaries evaluations is given in the works of cerh-ta’dil. Namely, Müslim is accepted as one of the cerh-ta’dil scholars that his criticism and evaluations about the tellers are relied upon. It is important to reveal Müslim’s attitude related to the tellers of opponents for the determination of his cerh-ta’dil method. In this study, the tellers who are reviwed as opponents are studied on his famous work with the name of al-Jâmi al-sahîh by the ulama, and it was comparatively searched by the other critics’ evaluations. So it was tried to be determined about what a method Müslim revealed about the different judgement ör principle which is a negative factor on the quality of justice.
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Taş
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