Myths and Failure of Exclusive Breastfeeding: Study in Buaran Community Health Center Pekalongan Regency Central Java

Journal Title: IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2


Abstract Background: Failure of exclusive breastfeeding is still high in Pekalongan regency, Central Java Indonesia. The one of reasondue to the existing myth about breast milk and breastfeeding activity in society culture. Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between myth about breastfeeding and failure of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: This cross-sectional study design conducted among 151 mothers with infant 6-12 month age which selected by cluster sampling, in Buaran Community Health Center in Pekalongan Regency Central Java Indonesia, from January to May 2017. An instrument used was a questionnaire developed by the reseacher. Result: The results showed 70.1% participants failed exclusive breastfeeding, 56.9% of them believed negative myths about exclusive breastfeeding by p = 0.001 (95% CI: 1,757-8,057). The characteristic of participants was in reproductive age (81,5%), multiparous (71,5%), unemployed (70,9%), and from extended family (66,9%). Most of the participants had a vaginal delivery (86,8%). There was asignificant relationship between myths about breastfeeding and failure of exclusive breastfeeding. Breastfeeding education should deliver in community-based, in terms of growing breastfeeding culture, in Indonesian society.

Authors and Affiliations

Isytiaroh Isytiaroh


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  • EP ID EP603477
  • DOI 10.18196/ijnp.2282
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How To Cite

Isytiaroh Isytiaroh (2018). Myths and Failure of Exclusive Breastfeeding: Study in Buaran Community Health Center Pekalongan Regency Central Java. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices), 2(2), 77-82.