Na krańcu Europy – polskie siostry zakonne i księża w Islandii
Journal Title: Cywilizacja i Polityka - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 12
The Polish community in Iceland is a young emigration community. However, on the island a relatively long tradition has a presence of the people of the consecrated life, coming from Poland. The first Polish nuns probably arrived on the island in the interwar period. In the 80s were brought to Iceland sisters from Elbląg, which included in its possession monastery in Hafnarfjordur. In recent years, another two Polish nuns from the Congregation of Missionaries of Charity were settled in the capital of Iceland. They perform the service among the local Polish community. Above all the pastoral care on the Polish diaspora in Iceland is exercised by Polish priests from the Congregation of the Society of Christ for Polonia, who have been operating on the island since 1998. The Catholic Church in Iceland, in addition to exercising the pastoral care, also plays an important role in the field of integrating of Poles, the creation of cultural life and cultivation of Polish national identity.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Raczyński
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