Na temat Drittwirkung w Niemczech. Odpowiedź na polemikę Bartosza Skwary

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2018, Vol 148, Issue 5


The article is a reply to polemic comments from Bartosz Skwara (“Sejm Review” 2017, no. 1) to my article Horyzontalne działanie praw podstawowych w Niemczech, [w:] Oddziaływanie współczesnych konstytucji na stosunki między podmiotami prywatnymi, red. M. Florczak-Wątor, Krakow 2015 [Horizontal effects of fundamental laws in Germany, in: The impact of modern constitutions on legal relationships between private entities, ed. M. Florczak-Wątor, Krakow 2015]. As stressed in the article and in accordance with the objective of the book, my interest lay in the analysis of applying the Drittwirkung concept in the constitutional jurisprudence of the FRG; it was not my goal to thoroughly discuss approaches to the issue of horizontality of human rights as presented in the German dogmatic theory. This stems from the fact that courts tribunals ultimately set the standard for the protection of rights of an individual, both in vertical and horizontal relations. The article presents arguments disproving the thesis proposed by the author of the polemic that in the FRG there dominates the direct version of Drittwirkung. It is unfound both as regards the German jurisprudence and the doctrine of law.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Wróblewska


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  • EP ID EP456904
  • DOI 10.31268/PS.2018.21
  • Views 45
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How To Cite

Iwona Wróblewska (2018). Na temat Drittwirkung w Niemczech. Odpowiedź na polemikę Bartosza Skwary. PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY, 148(5), 117-127.