Na tropach tajemniczego M.K.
Journal Title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
The article titled Artists and Philistines, published in 1897 in the “Kurier Niedzielny”, a moderated weekly with a compromising orientation (publisher: Maria Chełmońska, editors: Ludomir Grendyszyński), is an example of a voice about artist-society relationship typical of the end of the century. Te author takes an indirect position: he criticizes both the anti-art social climate and the artists themselves, who wrongly accuse a society solidly fulflling its duties of being “philistine”. Te peculiarities of the script, the cryptic code and the ambiguous attitude of the journalist, as well as a number of clues in literary and artistic life, constitute a set of data that hypothetically propose a possible author of the text hidden under the initials “M.K”. Maria Konopnicka’s candidature is supported by the fact of her cooperation with the magazine and her distance from “young”, anti-Nietzchean judgements. Other premises indicate a representative of the second generation of Positivists involving some of the persons closely related to the magazine, and who may have had the knowledge referred to in the article: Maria Chełmońska of Korwin-Szymanowscy, Wacław Marian Karczewski and Marian Gawalewicz. On the other hand, the clue of the initials and the author’s good orientation in German-language literature would lead to lesser-known commentators, humanists or Germanists, who also represent the younger generations: Maria Feldman (publishing as Maria Kleinman and Maria Kreczowska), Maksymilian Kantecki or Michał Konopiński. Te issue of authorship seems, however, to remain undecidable. None of the potential applicants meet all conditions and do not fully reflect the premises suggested by the context of different voices.
Authors and Affiliations
Aneta Mazur
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