В статье представлен общий обзор трудов отечественных и зарубежных психологов, в которых раскрывается поиск возможностей оптимизировать систему подготовки специалистов, созданию условий развития возможности к обобщению у...
This article examines the case for viewing the conflicts that took place in Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1999 through Huntington’s civilisational paradigm, whereby conflict is the inevitable result of the existence of “cl...
The content of the article is an attempt to determine the course and consequences of terrorist attacks that took place in 2010 in Sweden and 2011 in Norway. A Comparative Study includes responses of societies and politic...
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i omówienie
Securitologia No 1/2017
Jacek Bajorek
University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Rozporządzenie ogólne o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO) – nowe wyzwania w zakresie och...
For almost two decades, since obtaining independence, Fiji has been viewed as an
example of perfect and successful operating democracy. There had been many internationally
recognised indicators proving the effectiveness...
EP ID EP65285
DOI 10.5604/18984509.1129711
Views 120
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Bartosz Mendyk (2014). Nacjonalizm ukraiński jako czynnik destabilizujący bezpieczeństwo publiczne republiki Ukraina. Securitologia, 19(1),
67-76. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-65285
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В статье представлен общий обзор трудов отечественных и зарубежных психологов, в которых раскрывается поиск возможностей оптимизировать систему подготовки специалистов, созданию условий развития возможности к обобщению у...
Inevitable War? Examining Yugoslavia as a Fault Line Conflict
This article examines the case for viewing the conflicts that took place in Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1999 through Huntington’s civilisational paradigm, whereby conflict is the inevitable result of the existence of “cl...
Disturbed security in Norway and Sweden
The content of the article is an attempt to determine the course and consequences of terrorist attacks that took place in 2010 in Sweden and 2011 in Norway. A Comparative Study includes responses of societies and politic...
Rozporządzenie ogólne o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO) – nowe wyzwania w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i omówienie Securitologia No 1/2017 Jacek Bajorek University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Rozporządzenie ogólne o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO) – nowe wyzwania w zakresie och...
The state-building process in the South Pacific – the Fiji case
For almost two decades, since obtaining independence, Fiji has been viewed as an example of perfect and successful operating democracy. There had been many internationally recognised indicators proving the effectiveness...