Nagromadzenia leksemów współfunkcyjnych jako element stylu XVI-wiecznej prozy pamiętnikarskiej (na materiale diariusza Mikołaja Krzysztofa Radziwiłła)
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
The article mentioned one of the most important stylistic feature of the old diarist prose, that is the occurrence of synonymic series. The genetic criterion made it possible to distinguish series composed of: 1) lexemes of foreign origin (Latin, Italian, Oriental etc.) and native, such as: bonaccia – ucichnienie wiatru; 2) two native lexemes, such as: odnoga morska – jezioro; 3) native and foreign lexemes, such as: grosz – majdyn and 4) foreign lexemes, such as: caurus – magistro. The first type of lexemes is characteristic of words of equivalent meaning, whereas lexemes which belong to three other types are usually synonymous. The series discussed, while explaining the meaning of a lot of words not known to 16th-century Polish, usually perform the semantic function. Sometimes they also have the ornamental character and, sporadically, the expressive character. Attention was also devoted to the multiplicity of metalinguistic formulae which introduce synonymic words: jest, po naszemu, po łacinie, po włosku, zową, rozumie się, explanations without the copula.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Zarębski
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