Напрями вдосконалення фінансово-кредитної підтримки фермерських господарств


Farming enterprises were the basis of the functioning of domestic agrarian sector even in the pre-socialist period. Nowadays, they become more significant again in the context of reforming and building of an efficient agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy. That is why the issue of finding possible ways to improve credit support of farming enterprises both from the state through the development and implementation of the programs of state support of farm activity, and from the part of financial and credit institutions – banks, insurance companies, etc. is becoming relevant. Currently, farming enterprises in Ukraine are one of the most numerous forms of farming in agrarian sector with a relatively steady growth tendency. However, a special feature of such entities is a low amount of land being in their possession which tends to decrease. As a result, farming enterprises have recently become more and more similar to family farms. Ukraine's economy is oriented even today to large agrarian enterprises. Accordingly, they have open access both to financial resources from the state, provided by the relevant programs for supporting of the industry, and to credit costs provided by banks and other financial and credit institutions. Such disbalance causes the fact that farming enterprises in Ukraine have predominantly a crop specialization, where it is possible to get profit from activity faster, as well as a high share of material costs in the cost price of manufactured products. World experience of financial and credit support of farming enterprises analyzed during the research gave the opportunity to distinguish priority ways of its optimization in domestic conditions. This, in particular, is possible due to creation of a specialized credit and financial system that would serve farming enterprises; providing farming enterprises with admission to privileged credits with a partial compensation of interest rate by bank credits attracted in national currency; developing and implementing of financial leasing mechanisms adapted to farmers’ possibilities; reduction in cost of insurance services at the expense of state support of functioning organization of a specialized market of insurance services; creating of credit cooperatives that would serve small farms of agrarian production.

Authors and Affiliations

П. К. Бечко, Л. В. Барабаш, Світлана ВЛАСЮК, Н. В. Бондаренко


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  • EP ID EP549691
  • DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-5-20
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How To Cite

П. К. Бечко, Л. В. Барабаш, Світлана ВЛАСЮК, Н. В. Бондаренко (2018). Напрями вдосконалення фінансово-кредитної підтримки фермерських господарств. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 2(93), 5-20. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-549691