Narrative identity: Establishing of the subject in a radical phenomenology of Michel Henry
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2016, Vol 17, Issue 2
Hermeneutics as it is widely understood – (hermeneutics of P. Ricoeur, M. Heidegger,H. Gadamer or the specific hermeneutics of M. Foucault) – is a strategy that effectivelyallows avoidance of a trap as set by binding the modern principle of philosophical correctness.According to this principle, philosophers should not create descriptions of subjectivitywith substantial terms such as durability and identity. The aim of the article is topresent a strong counterpoint to the principle “philosophy of the subject without the subject”,referring to the standpoint represented by French phenomenologist Michel Henry.
Authors and Affiliations
Sabina Kruszyńska
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