Насінництво буряку столового безвисадковим способом за краплинного зрошення Півдня України / The seed production of red beet root by direct method of growing at drip irrigation south of Ukraine


Optimization of basic elements of technology of the direct growing of seed of red beet root at drip irrigation south of Ukraine is purpose of researches. The field experiments were conducted in the period of 2013–2015 on an experience field of Institute of irrigated farming of NААS (Kherson region). As a result of the research it was established, that at sowing of beet seeds of Bordo Kharkov in the first decade of September density of standing of plants at spring was more, than at sowing in the second decade of September time in 1,3. The shelter of the plants before the appearance of winter frosts with pressed straw (10–12 см) and under a agrofiber (closeness of a 30 g/м2) contributed to an increase in the number of plants, that well spent winter. The productivity of the seed got at sowing in the first decade of September was on 189,6 % more than in the second decade of September. At shelter of seed plants formed the productivity in two times greater, than in control variant. Increase of density of growing of seed plants to 300 thus./ha assists the increase of the productivity of seed on 13,2 %. The highest yield in the experience obtained by sowing in the first decade of September, the shelter of mother plants pressed straw and plant density in the autumn of 300 thus./ha. The seed of beet, that is got at the method of direct cultivation have such indexes of quality: mass of 1000 seeds – 17,9–19,9 g, energy of germination – 68,0–75,0 %, germination – 90,0–96,0 %. The influence of the elements of technology on the sowing qualities of seeds is not significant. In variants with early sowing, the weight of 1000 seeds increased by 5,5 %, laboratory germination by 1,5 %. The shelter of the mother plants of beet with agrofiber increased seed germination by 2,8 %.

Authors and Affiliations

N. P. Kosenko


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How To Cite

N. P. Kosenko (2018). Насінництво буряку столового безвисадковим способом за краплинного зрошення Півдня України / The seed production of red beet root by direct method of growing at drip irrigation south of Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 233-239. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-564668