Nationwide values and their development in modern conditions

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3


The article deals with the formation of national values in the context of globalization and in these circumstances, human values remain the major connecting element between people and States. It is the system of values is becoming a relevant today since they define the behaviour of human activities and are a source of activity of the subject of social development. The solution to the problem of national values is associated with a number of fundamental issues. In modern society, the upbringing of young people requires personal characteristics drill through forming, ensure the development of value orientations. The value is interpreted as the significance of objects and phenomena, satisfying the need for vital activity of the subjects. The main problem with the choice of values is to find nearly evaporated; and acceptable combination values of all, not the deification of one of them. The main value of modern youth lifestyle characteristics that are considered when generating the value orientations, fixed: failure or lack of sustainable values; openness to experimentation, innovation and change; the adoption of a diversity of positions and its approval; separation as away of getting used to changing social situations; focus on the present rather than the future and the past; the transformation from an external to an internal verification of its existence, which is reflected in the first of all on oneself and the smallest on the support of the State; the propensity to enter into informal associations and societies with a multi–polar orientation; determination to mobility geographical, social and cultural. This, in modern conditions of the diversity of values, development of national values issue requires a more complete study, both theoretical and practical levels.

Authors and Affiliations

R. Shadiev, Kh. Moiliyeva


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  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.399225
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How To Cite

R. Shadiev, Kh. Moiliyeva (2017). Nationwide values and their development in modern conditions. Бюллетень науки и практики, 3(3), 308-311.