Natural valuation of the Polish marine areas (Baltic) based on phytobenthos
Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 2018, Vol 33, Issue 1
The aim was to develop a method for assessing the natural values of the Polish marine areas (PMA), excluding coastal lagoons, based on phytobenthos. The valuation method includes 4 criteria which refer to the qualitative and quantitative structure of phytobenthos. The method was tested at the stony bottom overgrown with macroalgae – in the coastal zone, near the localities of Ustka, Poddąbie and Rowy. The assessment showed that the most valuable was the boulder area in the vicinity of Rowy, due to the presence of macroalgae communities with 5 rare and 3 protected species. The least valuable was the stony bottom near Ustka, with small amounts of macroalgae and 1 protected species. The natural values were classified into four classes and presented on map, what is very important from the practical point of view, especially when consider areas designated for future investments. The map with natural values distribution was created on the layers of surface sediments, which were developed on the basis of sonar and bathymetric data. The use of these data allowed the precise delineation of subareas with different natural values. The natural valuation method presented in this article is a relatively simple tool that can be applied to determine the areas valuable in terms of phytobenthos in PMA.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Paulina Brzeska-Roszczyk, Lidia Kruk-Dowgiałło
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