Nature Cellulose Fibre Extracted from Different Cotton Stalk Sections by Degummin

Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2015, Vol 23, Issue 6


Bast fibres are important because they have biodegradable and eco-friendly characteristics. In this paper, natural cellulose fibre extracted from cotton stalk by degumming was investigated. On the basis on the chemical propertiess of cotton stalk bark, a cotton stalk was divided into three sections before fibres were extracted. Through an orthogonal experiment, the extracting conditions of fibres from different sections were obtained. The flexibility and linear density of the fibres extracted were then tested, and the morphology of the fibres was observed by SEM. It was shown that the flexibility and fineness of fibres from the different sections were various. The singular unit fibrel morphology of fibres from different sections had a visible difference.

Authors and Affiliations

Long Li, Linghang Zhao


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  • EP ID EP122407
  • DOI 10.5604/12303666.1167415
  • Views 102
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How To Cite

Long Li, Linghang Zhao (2015). Nature Cellulose Fibre Extracted from Different Cotton Stalk Sections by Degummin. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 23(6), 37-40.