Nature of early expression in the context of public administration of child rights sphere through of the principles of theory and legislation
Journal Title: Публічне управління та митне адміністрування - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue
In the article the author analyzes the content of the concept of “early intervention”, whose nature, in the opinion of the author, is to create conditions for meeting the special needs of children in childhood and early childhood in order to ensure their successful socialization. The national legal framework regulating legal relations in this area, including Law of Ukraine “Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons in Ukraine”, Concept of Early Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children, Procedure for the Provision of Disabled Persons, Children with Disabilities and Children under the age of two belonging to risk groups for disability, rehabilitation services, Typical regulations on the center for social rehabilitation of disabled children. A number of proposals have been formulated regarding the prospects for the creation, development and functioning of a single, integrated multidisciplinary early intervention system for children in Ukraine. In particular, the need for the introduction of common approaches and methods of early intervention for children at risk of developing disability and children with disabilities in the early age, the study of leading European and world experience in this area, the definition of a plan of action for the development of early intervention in Ukraine, as well as ways and mechanisms of interagency cooperation in the implementation, functioning and financing of the early intervention services system in Ukraine, coordinating early intervention, taking into account the educational and medical trends its branches, the introduction of control by the relevant state and public institutions for the relevant processes, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
М. Е. Кропівницька
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