A Case Report Of Suppurative Pericarditis
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 5
Background: Suppurative pericarditis is defined as an infection of the pericardial space that produces pus that is found on gross examination of the pericardial sac or on tissue microscopy. Bacterial infections of the pericardium are relatively uncommon but are much more likely to produce purulent effusions and to proceed to cardiac tamponade and pericardial constriction1Case presentation: In this case report a 57 year old lady with confirmed diagnosis SLE on treatment (prednisolone and methotrexate) was admitted at cardiovascular medicine department of Muhimbili national hospital(MNH) with the chief complains of cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing, with associated history of weight loss. Clinical and imaging findings are suggestive of suppurative pericarditis and it was confirmed and managed by surgical pericardial drainage of 700mls of pus. Conclusion: purulent/suppurative pericarditis should be suspected in ill patients with thoracic infections, patients will often be febrile and tachycardic without a doubt optimal care of these complicated infections requires a multidisciplinary approach2 .
Authors and Affiliations
Henry A Mayala, Levi Kwarisiima, Robert Mvungi, Peter Kisenge, Nyangasa, Nyawawa, Kawajika
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